
What is Domain data profile?

‘Domain data profile’ is a profile of an individual person or company that is sent to domain registries to indicate...

What are external domains?

External domains are domains hosted by third-party registrars that are pointed to the infrastructure specified by Webmity by changing DNS...

What is domain transfer and how does it work?

Domain transfer is the transfer of the domain name service (domain) from one company to another. This operation does not...

What is a domain e-assignment?

E-assignment is an electronic instruction to change the subscriber of an Internet domain. In Webmity, it takes place automatically after...

Domain e-mail aliases – how does it work?

An e-mail alias is an alternative address pointing to an existing mailbox. Messages sent to the created email alias on...

Domain status list

Domain activity status Reserved – the registration instruction has been executed, but you most likely do not have enough funds...

Renew expired domain (domain reactivation)

Domain reactivation is called the renewal of a domain name after its expiration. This operation has an additional fee, but...

How do I pay for domains?

The purchase of domains in the system is accounted only from the balance of prepaid points, so to register and...

Automatic domain renewal

You can use the option to automatically renew your domains 7 days before they expire. You must then provide the...

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